Η ανάπτυξη του μωρού

Τα στάδια ανάπτυξης των μωρών από 0 έως 12 μηνών. Ανάπτυξη μωρού, το μωρό μαθαίνει να περπατά, να μπουσουλάει. Συναισθηματική ανάπτυξη μωρού.

mom with baby in bed

Follow your maternal instinct and offer your baby love, care and many many hugs,... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ

dad holds baby

Why does the baby's head smell so beautiful? Why do we talk to them in this "baby"... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ

mom with newborn baby

New parents often trying to adapt and care for the new family member fail to avoid the... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ

baby on weight

As the child grows day by day, you have a constant concern that it is not eating... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ

baby crying

Sometimes seem that Babies and sleep are two things that do not fit in a perfect way.... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ


happy baby