Newborn at home!


mom and newborn baby

The presence of a newborn at home is catalytic.
New parents often trying to adapt and care for the new family member fail to avoid the most common pitfalls for newborns.
Being a parent cannot be taught. New parents learn along the way how to respond to their baby's needs and follow their instincts, pediatrician instructions and grandmother wisdom! But there are some of the most common mistakes that parents seem to avoid with newborns, as most pediatricians record. Most have to do with the ignorance or misconceptions that parents often have about babies. So let's analyze the most common mistakes that young parents make!


Newborns have no feeding program

New parents often assume that children acquire good habits already with newborns. Thus, they find it appropriate to feed the newborn by following a strict schedule. This practice, besides being overturned by the imperative needs of the baby, is completely wrong! The advice of doctors is to follow the program that the baby itself imposes, which is generally to be fed every 4 hours. Good or bad, a newborn is gifted by nature to be smarter than his parents! This means that she does not eat at the time parents want. When a baby is hungry, it will wake up and ask for breastfeeding, no matter the time. So parents are urged to follow the program that their baby puts on, to make sure it is fed properly! Much later and especially after the 5th month, when some babies start eating solid food, having a nutrition program is almost imperative to developing good eating habits.


Say no to crowds!

A newborn is very susceptible to infections as his immune system is underdeveloped. While breastfeeding, the milk gradually gives him antibodies and strengthens his body. This means that at least until he gets frustrated, his visitors are limited to his parents! It is a common mistake for parents to rejoice in bringing their newborns into contact with many people. There is no reason to do this and it is especially good to keep young children away from your baby for a while!
Think about it: exposing the baby to so many microbial carriers is a problem for two reasons, the first being that it can get into some dangerous microbial infection and the second that if it gets a fever from a virus, it may need to be hospitalized to make sure it is not treated. is something more serious. Fever in a baby less than two weeks old automatically means a two-day hospital stay ticket, which means exams and hassle for such a small and sensitive creature! That doesn't mean you have to be anti-social! Your home may be open, but your baby's room must remain confidential at least until your baby is frozen.


Don't keep baby inhouse constantly!

The opposite is true of parents holding the baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at home. While it is wrong to expose the baby to crowds, it is also a bad idea to keep it home for the first 6 weeks of life out of fear. First of all the mother herself to deal with a possible postpartum depression is good to get out of the house. Pediatricians recommend a walk with the newborn, as climatic conditions are ideal, without too much heat or too cold. So you can enjoy the ride with your baby, as long as you don't go to crowded places. So a walk in the park is beneficial! Even if mommy needs to go to the grocery store in the neighborhood and is alone at home, she can do so by taking the baby with her, as long as she doesn't, of course, choose a rush hour.


Follow your instict!

Many parents do not trust their instict! Even if you became a parent for the first time, your instinct is most often unmistakable, so you will do well to trust yourself. It is true that when we hear many different advices from third parties, such as friends who have children, nannies, grandmothers, it is difficult to hear our instincts which may prove to be more correct than a hundred different opinions. So if something inside you tells you that what you are doing is right or wrong, do not turn a blind eye to your intuition. Some pediatricians, for example, believe that if a parent does not trust their instincts, it may even endanger their baby. It is not uncommon for parents to know deep within themselves that something is wrong with their child, and that their instincts have helped the doctor to prevent an unpleasant situation.


Do not let the baby sleep all night long!

Many parents find it normal to sleep a newborn all night long. Although infrequent, as babies get hungry and wake up at least twice a night, this is considered a major mistake by pediatricians for at least the first 2 weeks of life. Newborns should eat and if they do not wake up alone the parents should wake their baby every 4 hours to eat. If they do not feed regularly, they will dehydrate. In addition, in some cases prolonged sleep for more than 4 hours may be an indication of a problem and the pediatrician should be informed. When is it okay for babies to sleep all night? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, after the first 2 weeks of checkups and if they are stable weight and well fed they are safe to sleep much of the night.


Fever = A call to Doctor !

Many parents do not consult their pediatrician when their baby has a fever. What parents need to understand is that the newborn's body does not function like an older child or adult. Since its immune system is immature, the onset of fever is worrying and the cause of this symptom needs to be ascertained. The pediatrician should be informed immediately to evaluate the baby's condition and to recommend appropriate treatment.


Sleep on its back!

It is now considered that the safest way for a newborn to sleep is on its back and wrapped tightly so that it cannot move. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, sleeping on the back is the right way to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.


happy baby