How to lose the extra pounds of pregnancy

Losing the extra pounds you got during pregnancy and find your postpartum shape requires patience and willpower. You don't need to overdose or harass your body. Do not forget that first, you must strengthen.
The good relationship you have in general with your body is, of course, the "key" for your balance during this transition period after pregnancy. Extra pounds should not be a reason for self-criticism and the cultivation of a negative, often excessive image, towards your body. It is important to realize and accept the changes that have occurred externally and internally in your organization all these months.
There is, however, a way to restore the body to its proper form by firmly adopting a diet plan and exercise that an expert will tell you to be sure you will fit in the clothes you wore before pregnancy very soon! Do not set high goals rather than try to stay firm in your decision. This is the secret. Also, start the process when you feel ready to do it. No one is chasing you!
The importance of nutrition
Whether you are breastfeeding your baby or not, your obligations are increased and your schedule quite busy. So you need the energy to face your tiredness and carry out your duties as a mother, as well as a safe way to lose the weight of your pregnancy and to recover your elegant silhouette. Proper nutrition ensures the first while the combination of diet and exercise is the second. By adopting the right habits in eating and consistently following an exercise program, you will soon understand the difference.
The effort to restore weight should begin soon after childbirth, but not before the first two or three months. During this time the new mother should emphasize a balanced diet, gradually increase her physical activity and enjoy her baby. The new mom has a very important ally in this effort: breastfeeding, the safest method of "liposuction"! The profit is, of course, double because the mother offers to her baby the most valuable gift a mother can make to her child, breast milk, while at the same time benefiting multiple herself.
Weight reduction should be done gradually through corrective changes in eating habits and physical activity. The nutrition and movement program needs to be structured to fit the individual needs and lifestyle of each woman. The secret is that these changes form a new framework of behaviors that are pleasant and can thus be preserved forever.
Pay attention:
- Before starting any diet, consult a dietician-nutritionist.
- Record what you eat every day on a calendar.
- Do not be on the scales more often than once a week.
- Keep going normally with your social life every day, without putting yourself on the sidelines for nutrition.
- Keep the number of 3 meals. If you eat at regular intervals, you will avoid trapping any snacks in upright.
- Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. Never stay thirsty. When we feel the thirst, our body is already partially dehydrated.
- Do not eat fast and hastily. So, your brain does not prevent you from receiving the message that you were eating, while not helping to digest your food properly.
- Ask for your partner's support. If you follow a balanced and healthy diet with you, you have even more motivation to continue your effort.
Work out!
Saving some time for exercise, you are setting the foundation for a better health. Do not forget that with your gym you will increase your strength, so your daily activities will make it easier for you. At the same time, work out is valuable for revitalizing and relieving stress, and of course facilitates weight loss, as it increases energy consumption and fat is distributed equally in the body. Look at the internet and you will find plenty of video with complete exercise tutorials. Choose what you like best and do not overwhelm you and start exercising yourself daily by watching it. You will soon see pleasant changes occurring in your body and in your pounds!
What to do:
- Motion and exercise will help you regain resilience to muscles that are "injured." A proper program of physical activity naturally implies that you gave birth naturally and without complications. If you were cesarean or your childbirth was traumatic (bleeding, inflammation, etc.), then it is important to consult your doctor before you start exercising.
- In any case, however, you should not be overwhelmed with excitement for exercise and exercise as soon as you exit the maternity ward, as much as you wish to see yourself again in your favorite dress. Give yourself time to get used to the new situation, find the rhythms - as often as possible - be patient and perseverant. Within ten days after your return at home you can start a mild, short-term exercise program if you had a normal birth. If you were cesarean, then you probably should start after the first month and with a lot of attention some exercises.
- Generally, however, it is advisable not to do full abs until the sixth week after delivery. After this week you can also go to a
- gym for a more methodical attempt to recover your lost shape. Unless you decide to home practice.
Quick tips
- Join the gym in your program. If not daily - even for a short time - at least three times a week.
- Choose a varied exercise program that will help and train your whole body.
- Additionally, some individual exercises (eg belly, thighs, buttocks) can help you find your line again.
- Do the exercises slowly, without quick repetitions, and give your body time to rest as much as you can.
- Do not do more exercise than the specialist has suggested, even if you feel you can.
- Stop before you feel tired. The reason why you will understand it the following day, you may not be able to work at all.
Walk, it helps a lot!
An ideal exercise, even in the first few days after giving birth, is considered to be walking. Once you have received your doctor's approval, you can only spend about an hour of your daily program - and a total of three to four times a week - to start strolling. Equip yourself with a pair of shoes suitable for walking, pick a place away from lively streets and bustle, take deep breaths and start!
It is estimated that with about 45 minutes of fast walking the body "burns" around 300 calories. If you can even take your baby together sometimes, even better. Combine the business with the good, that is a nice ride with him either with the stroller or with your pocket with your exercise. The results will be very beneficial to both of you.
Caution! Even walking wants the right technique! We push and walk well when the heel first strikes and then the rest of the foot, while the push to move is given by the front of the tread. This is the most efficient way to walk. If, however, the foot is leaning too far towards the inside of the tread, it can lead to a burden on the arch and knee pain.
Useful tip
Exercise should remain your priority for a long time after you lose the extra pounds of pregnancy. Not only will this help keep your body in the best possible physical condition, but it will also enable you to confront some of the daily stresses that you will be called upon to face!