Child development in figures

As the child grows day by day, you have a constant concern that it is not eating properly or that it does not tall as it should.
The height and weight of a child from birth to adulthood is an issue that concerns parents. Especially nowadays, where all experts point to the risk of obesity in childhood, many parents panic, making them repressed or making mistaken decisions about their child's diet. You do not have to go into this process. Your pediatrician is able to explain to your regular check-up of how your baby is growing and advising you on the issues of weight and height. We give you some useful information you need to know about your child's growth in grams and centimeters!
The average weight of a normal baby at birth can range from 2.5 to 4.4 pounds. Before you even get out of the maternity ward, the baby will normally lose about 5-10% of its original weight, eliminating fluids that do not need it. In one or two weeks, however, it will recover. Breastfeeding babies may take a few days to start taking weight, as the mother's milk does not go down immediately, but the baby must find its rhythm in breastfeeding.
Development curves
My baby is getting fat!
Infant weight is also dependent on pure genetic, hereditary factors. Two large parents are more likely to bring a heavier child to the world, but in general boys are born bigger than little ones. There are babies who get a lot of pounds at the beginning and stabilize along the way and babies that grow slowly but steadily. This is related to the rate of metabolism and the maturity of their digestive system. That's why you do not need to get the weight of the scale and the measuring tape from such a young age!
1- 3 years
A 12 month old baby has an average of 10.5 pounds and has a height of 76 cm. These limits are relative and can range between 8.5-12 kg for weight and 72-81 cm for height. When the child takes his first steps, motion plays a role in burning calories. Babies double their weight at birth by the age of 6 months. When they are weighing their weight has tripled in relation to the birth. After 12 months, the rate attaining height and weight is slowed down, until it stabilizes.
+4 years
From the age of 4 years onwards your child develops at a steady pace. child's height, baby weightIn this phase it is important to take care of its balanced diet to prevent weight problems. After all, eating habits are learned at this age! It is important to invest in a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as well as in whole grain products.
The next period that you have to wait for rapid changes in your child's development is, of course, puberty.
5 Asdvises to keep you calm!
1. Do not compare your baby with other babies. Every child is unique and there is no reason to compare it.
What Should Eat a Child in order to Grow Properly?