Baby's first dive!


mom and bay in the pool

Equip yourself with patience and lots of smiles to enjoy with your child his first swim in the sea or the pool!

The first contact of an infant with the sea, or of a child who has not bathed again, is a very important experience for this, because it seals a new relationship with the sea. It's a thrilling time for you too, as you already have the experience of being a "life-saver" for your baby, while being familiar with the sea water and the vast sea area around it.


The first baby splash!

A safe tip to be able to enjoy the bath all of you is to follow the baby's needs through any reactions. Usually babies over 6 months of age do not swim in the sea but come into contact with it first.


At first, you can hug your baby and slowly start to get into the sea. At the same time gently moisten his head and shamelessly dip it to the breast height at sea. Throughout this process make sure that no water gets into his nose or eyes because he will react. If you find that the baby is irritable, do not squeeze it and talk to it sweetly as you hold it tight. If you see it reacting strongly, get out of the water. Every baby has different reactions and your own may not yet be ready for such an experience. But in the unlikely event that you have fun with the whole process you can go ahead by keeping it in a supine position. Remember that the first bath in his life would be good not to last more than 10 minutes.



Your baby is naturally unable to play with buckets yet, so a good way to have fun is to have an inflatable toy and also small sea toys made of soft materials to have fun with sea water! Place it in an inflatable children's pool and start pouring it gradually. This will make it much easier to get used to the idea of ​​the sea.

baby wth life jacket



5 Tips to Avoid the Unexpected!

  • It is a good idea to carry a second swimsuit and change clothes with you so that your little one will not get wet all the time while staying on the beach. This will, of course, also make it easier for you to go for a walk or eat after the beach, so you will not have to go through the house or room you are staying in first.
  • Make sure you are aware of the cleanliness of your summer bathing area, as babies and toddlers are prone to skin diseases or infections.
  • Check the sea temperature as in the first bath of course it would not be good to cool down. You, as parents, can confidently decide if it is too cold to not bathe your baby. Of course, if you have an older child, you can play with him in the sand to enjoy the sea. Be that as it may, always be sure that if your little one does not stand up he will complain.
  • The baby's skin, like the child's, is very sensitive, so it needs gentle care and protection. Buy a sunscreen for infants or children, depending on age, for the whole body and face and make sure you apply it every 30 to 40 minutes. Finally, avoid going to the beach at lunchtime and more specifically at 11.00am. Until 3:00 pm, because the sun's rays are much more harmful to both your little one and you.
  • Pay attention to outdoor otitis media or otherwise to the "swimmer's ear" that occurs in babies or children who spend enough time in the sea or pool! It is an infection caused by germs that grow on the ear due to moisture. The most common symptom of otitis is ear pain or a burning sensation. You might see his ear be red or run a little wet. Your pediatrician will give you the appropriate treatment to treat the baby, as well as instructions on when to go back to sea. In any case, wipe the baby's ears thoroughly with a clean towel.


The first dive for the toddler!

If your first bath is older (from 1 year old), you can use special equipment for children, such as armchairs and life jackets, to familiarize yourself with the sea. What you should always keep in mind is that even if he is wearing arm wraps you should not leave him out of sight for a moment, as he does not know how to float in the sea or how to control his body and may afraid.
happy baby